Please select from the species listed below to view available products.

Crown Moulding

3-1/4" Alder -SuperiorALD3140
3-1/4" Alder -KnottyALDR3140
3-1/4" BeechBCH3140
3-1/4" CherryCHY3140
3-1/4" HickoryHIK3140
3-1/4" Rustic HickoryHIKR3140
3-1/4" MapleMPL3140
3-1/4" PoplarPOP3140
3-1/4" Red OakRO3140
3-1/4" SapeleSAP3140
3-1/4" WalnutWAL3140
3-1/4" White OakWO3140

Shaker Moulding

3/4" X 3-1/4" AlderALD3140S
3/4" X 3-1/4" HickoryHIK3140S
3/4" X 3-1/4" Rustic HickoryHIKR3140S
3/4" x 3-1/4" MapleMPL3140S
3/4" x 3-1/4" PoplarPOP3140S
3/4" x 3-1/4" WalnutWAL3140S

Cove Crown Moulding

3-1/4" Alder -SuperiorALD3140C
3-1/4" Rustic AlderALDR3140C
3-1/4" BeechBCH3140C
3-1/4" HickoryHIK3140C
3-1/4" Rustic HickoryHIKR3140C
3-1/4" MapleMPL3140C
3-1/4" PoplarPOP3140C
3-1/4" Red OakRO3140C
3-1/4" Qtrd SapeleSAP3140C
3-1/4" WalnutWAL3140C
3-1/4" White OakWO3140C
3-1/4" Rift White OakWOR3140C

Hard White Maple S4S Moulding

1x2 x 6-16'' Random LengthMPL1204
1x4 x 6'-16' Random LengthMPL1404
1x6 x 6'-16' Random LengthMPL1604
1x8 x 6'-16' Random LengthMPL1804

Red Oak S4S Moulding

1x2 x 6'-16' Random LengthRO1204
1x4 x 6'-16' Random LengthRO1404
1x6 x 6'-16' Random LengthRO1604
1x6 x 6'-16' Random LengthRO1804
1x10 x 6'-16' Random LengthRO1104
1x12 x 6'-16' Random LengthRO1124

Poplar S4S Moulding

1x2 x 6'-16' Random LengthPOP1204
1x4 x 6'-16' Random LengthPOP1404
1x6 x 6'-16' Random LengthPOP1604
1x8 x 6'-16' Random LengthPOP1804
1x10 x 6'-16' Random LengthPOP11004
1x12 x 6'-16' Random LengthPOP11204

Philippine Mahogany S4S Moulding

1x2 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH1204
1x4 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH1404
1x6 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH1604
1x8 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH1804
2x2 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH2204
2x4 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH2404
2x6 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH2604
2x8 x 8, 10, 12' LongMAH2804

VG Western Red Cedar T&G Moulding

1x6 A & Btr V4E 4-20' Random LengthWRCTG1600

Knotty Alder Casing Moulding

3/4"x3-1/4" E2E Casing R/LALDM423
3/4"x3-1/4" E2E Casing 8' LengthsALDM42308
3/4"x2-1/2" E2E Casing R/LALDM472
3/4"x2-1/2" E2E Casing 7' LengthsALDM47207

Knotty Alder Base Moulding

9/16"x3-1/4" E1E Base R/LALDM325
9/16"x5-1/4" E1E Base R/LALDM425
9/16"X3-1/4" Ogee Base R/LALDM623

Knotty Alder Misc. Moulding

11/16"x5-7/16" T&G V-GrooveALDMWP4
1/2"X1-1/4" Parting BeadALDM101
3/8"x1-1/4" Ogee StopALDM937
13/16"x13/16" Skirt TrimALDM810
3/4"x3/4" Cove MouldALDM3264

Knotty Alder S4S Moulding

1x2 E2E 1/16" 6'-16' Random LengthALDM1200
1x4 E2E 1/16" 6'-16' Random LengthALDM1400
1x4 E2E 1/16" 8' LengthALDM1408
1x5 E2E 1/16" 6'-16' Random LengthALDM1500
1x6 E2E 1/16" 6'-16' Random LengthALDM1600
1x8 E2E 1/16" 6'-16' Random LengthALDM1800
1x10 E2E 1/16"6'-16' Random LengthALDM1104
1x12 E2E 1/16"6'-16' Random LengthALDM1124

Knotty Alder Jambs

3/4"x4-9/16"x82-1/4" Flat JambsALDM491682